01603 362447
Opening hours: Mon – Sat 9.00am to 5.30pm Sun 10.00am to 4.00pm
3 Bowthorpe Shopping Centre, Wendene, Norwich, NR5 9HA.
Opening hours: Mon – Sat 9.00am to 5.30pm Sun 10.00am to 4.00pm

Complete Optical Services

We have a wide selection of all the latest frame brands and styles including
RayBan, Prada, Polo , Oakley, Versace, Vogue, Prizm.

In addition we have a range of great fashionable frames at affordable prices.
And for when the sun shines, all the best sunglasses are available.

We will happily spend time with you to find a style that you’ll love and a colour that really works.

Book Your Exam Appointment Online

Click here to book your next eye test.

For the sharpest, most comfortable lenses, we have all the best lens options.

Zeiss , Nikon , Essilor, Hoya, Seiko and more.
Budget, thinner, lighter, tinted, scratch resistant, lenses that are perfect for computer use. And lenses for driving, night-time wear.
Our extensive range of lens options come is many different styles and colours.

Please come and have a chat where our experienced staff can take you through the options available to you.